You are welcome to use The Crafty Writer quote of the day on your own website! To do so, simply copy and paste the code below into the HTML or template of your site:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"
You can style the quote by including the .tcw-quotes
selector in your CSS stylesheet. For example:
.tcw-quotes {
margin:20px 30px 0px;
border:1px solid #ddd;
I make no warranties about this facility’s future availability or fitness for purpose. You are free to use it, but you do so at your own risk! Having said that, if you have any problems, let me know and I’ll try and help you out 🙂
Please leave a comment if you use it, and any constructive suggestions are welcome! As are suggestions for good quotes…
Tried to use your script. It would not copy into the text gadget.
Thanks anyway.
Hi Anne, I just copied it into a HTML/Javascript gadget on a blogspot blog and it works fine. I can see why it wouldn’t work in a text gadget though…
The Bible is my lifes road map