Beginner Blogging course

As a spin-off from the writing for the internet session in my ever popular non-fiction writing course, Rod Smith, my technical advisor, is running a 10-week course on helping people get started in blogging. And for those of you who have already tried their hand at this most modern form of writing, he will help you develop and ‘monetize’ your blog. It’s based at the Centre for Lifelong Learning in Newcastle upon Tyne. For more information visit Rod’s own blog

For those of you who can’t make it, why not check out Rod’s guest posts right here on The Crafty Writer – Beginner Blogging for Writers 1, 2 & 3

Oh, he told me to tell you, he taught me everything I know. Mmm, well, not everything, Rod.

Related posts:

  1. Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 1
  2. Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 3
  3. Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 2
  4. Ideas for writing a weekly column

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One comment on “Beginner Blogging course

  1. Rodney@Blogging with WordPress on said:

    OK, well maybe not everything, but everything that counts!

    Thanks for the plug.

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