Archive for December, 2007

Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 3

Welcome to the third in The Crafty Writer’s short introduction to blogging for writers. Hopefully by now you have some idea of what you want to write about, and have successfully set up your blog. Today we’re going to look at:

Ready? Let’s get started. Continue reading ‘Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 3’

Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 2

Hello again! I’m assuming since you’ve come back, you’re either a sucker for punishment, or you’ve decided to find out a bit more about how to get started blogging. As promised last week then, let’s get stuck in. Today I want to look at:

Continue reading ‘Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 2’

Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 1

The Crafty Writer has had quite a lot of feedback in response to an article I published a few weeks ago about getting started with websites and blogging. Due to the interest, I’ve asked guest blogger Rodney Smith of Hippo Web Solutions to put together a short series exploring the topic in a little more depth. Over the last few months Rod has been helping me get The Crafty Writer and VeitchSmith off the ground. And now, over to Rod…

Hi, Rod here. The kind of comments I hear a lot from those just learning about blogging for the first time are often very similar, and fall into two main categories:

  • “Why would I want to start a blog? That’s just for technogeeks!”
  • “I want to start a blog, but have no idea how.”

This series of posts will concentrate on providing some pointers for those in the second camp, but before we get onto that, I want to spend the rest of this article addressing the concerns of those in the first.
Continue reading ‘Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 1’